Dr. Paul Carmona


Professor Emeritus, Humanities, Philosophy, and Religious Studies


  • Humanities Philosophy and Religious Studies

Contact Info:

Email: paul.carmona@gcccd.edu




HUM 110  Principles of the Humanities

RELG 120  World Religions -- Online Course Info



Course Notes:

RELG 120: World Religions

(Online Course)


Welcome to my faculty page!


If you are considering taking, or have already enrolled in, my ONLINE World Religions course (RELG 120), please consult the information that I have posted at the respective course link above.  


In regard to my Principles of the Humanities course (HUM 110), I will post some information soon.


Also, please know that the Canvas sites for all my courses usually become available to enrolled students one or two days before the official start of the semester, and not sooner.  If you have questions about any of my courses, you are always welcome to contact me via email.


Best wishes,


Dr. Paul Carmona


This Page Covers the Following Information:

  1. Why take this course?
  2. Before You Enroll:  What You Ought to Know about  Online RELG 120
  3. How Do I Get Started on the First Day of the Course?

Why Take This Course?


World Religions is a challenging and yet rewarding course that, through exploration of diverse religious perspectives, seeks greater understanding and appreciation of others with whom we share the world.  Paradoxically, the more we learn about people's differences, the more we learn about our human commonality.  The academic aspects of RELG 120 are supplemented by field activities that offer a direct experience of people who espouse religious traditions studied in the course.  At the semester's end, past students have often expressed great satisfaction at the human perspectives, mind-opening insights, and profound multi-cultural understandings that this World Religions course afforded them.  If those sorts of outcomes appeal to you, then this may well be a course that you would find worthwhile!

Before You Enroll: What You Ought to Know about  Online RELG 120


  1. Two On-Campus Exams (no exceptions!)

You should not enroll in this online course unless you are able to come in person to the campus for two required Saturday exams.  The exam dates may be found in the listing for this course in the Cuyamaca College class schedule .  Students will be asked to show a valid (current) Cuyamaca College Student Picture-ID Card ( or other valid government-issued identification card) for admission to the exam.  A Student Picture ID Card is available free to every Cuyamaca College student, and can be obtained at the Admission and Records office, Room A-300 (Phone: 619-660-4275).  
  1. Field Activities

Students will be required to make a personal (= physical, bodily) visit to at least two religious sites in San Diego County (to be selected from the professor's pre-screened list of acceptable sites).  
  1. Regular Weekly Assignments

Some assignments will already be due by Friday of the first week of the course.  It will therefore be important to log in to Canvas promptly at the startup of the course, in order to get started with the first week's assignments.  For Canvas login instructions, see further below.  

Weekly assignments that count for credit will include, but not be limited to: reading of text materials and completion of online worksheets; online discussions; viewing of videos and online presentations.


  1. Optional Web-Seminars

If there is sufficient student interest, up to two optional web-seminars may be scheduled as supportive opportunities for students to discuss with the professor course concepts, potential exam topics, site-visit experiences, or other matters of relevance to the course.    

How Do I Get Started on the First Day of the Course?


At the beginning of the semester, if you are already enrolled in this World Religions course, please follow the instructions below to get started:


  1. LOG IN to Canvas at http://gcccd.instructure.com using your default user name (firstname.lastname) and password (your 6-digit birth date—e.g., 012580 for January 25, 1980).
  2. Find the Canvas site for the RELG 120 course, and enter it.  Once inside, first read the "welcome" announcement and then, at the HOME PAGE, enter the link to "Course Startup Instructions," where you will find instructions on how to get started with the course and the assignments for the first week.